Common Core: Helping parents visualize math standards

Common Core, two words that are making even experienced teachers shudder. The accountability movement of the 1990s led to an increased focus on testing and standards. As testing became more integrated into our daily lives as educators it became clear that each classroom having their own standards would no longer work. And as such Common Core State Standards were developed and implemented into our curriculum.

Although the standards were released in 2010, many schools are still working at integrating the standards into their daily practice. Teachers and administrators alike are still questioning the best method to accomplish to goals of Common Core. Can we adapt our current text books or do we need to make new purchases? Will traditional teaching suffice or do we need to “flip” the classroom? What professional development is still needed to ready our staff?

If experienced educators have this many questions, can you imagine what our students and their parents are thinking? Through casual conversations, conferences and open houses, my school has heard many questions of ‘what is common core’ and ‘how does it affect my child’? It would be easy to explain Common Core using “teacher-speak” and academic vocabulary, but that is not going to help our parents understand Common Core.

The public wants Common Core in a short, visual and easily digestible format. Let’s give it to them. Today you’ll find a handout explaining the Common Core Math Standards. Be on the lookout next week for ELA Standards. Contact me if you are interested in these handouts without the school specific branding.



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