#ASCA2014 Notes Monday 6/30

Today has been a great day of professional development at the ASCA conference. While there was no keynote speaker today, there were a plethora of breakout sessions to choose from. In fact there were several time blocks where I had to choose between some really strong presentations. Today’s sessions were both relevant to me as an individual counselor reflecting on personal practices and to my school as a whole and the direction we are guiding our students. Please see the links below for my notes on each of the sessions I attended today.

Counseling the College Bound Student Athlete– Markus Moeder-Chandler.

I was a student athlete in both high school and college. I currently work with our students and parents on NCAA eligibility and the eligibility center. I thought I had a good knowledge of the ins and outs of the NCAA, and yet Markus gave me new ideas that had never crossed my mind. From additional parent nights to working with individual coaches/teams, there are several new initiatives that I will be bringing back to Waubonsie Valley next year. Notes can be found here http://bit.ly/1z2eykj

Reduce Discipline Referrals with RTI

What does behavior response to intervention (RTI) look like at your school? Come hear how two elementary school counseling programs utilize their RTI team to expand school counseling services to address behavior and discipline problems. Discover successful strategies at each RTI tier that promote positive behavior choices and ultimately improve student achievement. Examine the school counselor’s role in the RTI process, and gain a new perspective on collaborating with student services personnel to strengthen and enhance the delivery of behavior interventions. http://bit.ly/1mOH1EM


Aligning Guidance Lessons With the Common Core and 21st-Century Skills

Learn secrets for designing school counseling curriculum lessons aligned with Common Core and 21st-century workforce standards. Study three lessons, and view in-class video of the process in action. Discover how to influence students’ emotional learning states, capture student attention and maintain it throughout the lesson. Leave with ideas for immediate use.
Bill  Henry, Instructor, University of California Riverside


*Brief Career Counseling to Increase Attendance

A Brief Career Counseling Framework can help students  connect school to life experiences and increase student attendance. Get a brief introduction to solution-focused school counseling, and examine an intervention used at Redondo Union High School. Discover how the framework ties into student standards, specifically the relationship of academics to the world of work. Use the Brief Career Counseling Framework to create individual and small-group interventions for your own school.
Keith Fulthorp, Ed.D., Assistant Professor, California State University – Long Beach; Arond Schonberg, School Counselor, Redondo Union High School, Redondo Beach, Calif.

*This was by far my favorite session of the day. Great presenters with a strong presentation style and very applicable content.


Collaboration to Address Student Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most often experienced mental health concerns for youth and can have a profound effect on a student’s academic performance. School counselors and teachers are in a position to collaborate and provide support for these students in the classroom. Focus on the importance of collaboration and how to make it work for you. Gain practical suggestions and resources for school counselor/teacher collaboration in working with students with anxiety.
Kristen Moran, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Clemson University


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