
It’s Okay to be Excited About Your Job

Last week was perhaps one of the busiest school weeks I’ve ever experienced in my tenure as an educator. And while the days were long and the stress level was high, it was one of my most rewarding weeks as well. Too often in education, specifically at the high school level, we isolate ourselves in our classroom or in our department. When that happens we fail to see the bigger picture and can miss some of the amazing things happening in our communities.

I want to start sharing with you some of the things I’m doing with my students that get me really excited. I also want to start sharing what other teachers in my building are getting excited about. In education it can be so easy to fall into a pattern and repeat the same curriculum year after year. A lesson that was invigorating when you first thought of it can become dull after years of repeated use. One way to keep the excitement alive is by sharing that excitement with others.

When we share our successes with others, not only do we receive positive reinforcement but we also give other people permission to get excited and experience out of the box success themselves. The lesson I teach to my students may have nothing to do with what you are teaching in your class, but the excitement or methods I utilize may spark a great idea. That spark is lost if we don’t share our excitement with others.

So for the next few weeks I’ll be taking time to share some of the highlights of my last two weeks.  You’ll hear about state testing, career fairs, group discussions and pep assemblies. You may or may not be able to replicate these same activities at your school, but maybe they’ll spark a sense of excitement in something you’re doing or are planning to do.

Its okay to be excited about your job. It’s okay to be excited about your lesson plans. Its okay to want to share that with other educators. In fact, I think it’s our duty to share all of this with others.

We don’t educate students in isolation. We are a school community. I encourage you to utilize your community. Get excited about your job and help others do the same.

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