How do we respond when a student fails? If your school has made the jump to PLCs, essential questions, enduring understandings and understanding by design, you’ve certainly heard this question before. As educators we’re tasked with asking and answering questions: What do we want students to learn, how will we know when they have learned […]
Archive | Bigger Picture
Success in the new economy
Last week we looked at the college for all mentality that has become a staple of the country’s educational mantra. As we examined the case for alternatives to the four year degree, we largely spoke in concepts. Today I’d like to share a great video that gives you specific statistics on the change in our […]
Re-Thinking College
With the implementation of Common Core and an increased emphasis on college & career readiness, the government and educational community have been touting college for all. Every student should be college bound. A college degree is the key to success. College admission is the standard by which we judge our value. And yet while we […]
It’s the most, busiest time of the year
This weekend I spent a lot of time at school, supervising a field trip on Saturday and a building rental on Sunday. In that time I wasn’t the only one in the building and my activities weren’t the only ones going on. In fact if you hadn’t looked at your calendar before arriving in the […]
What if schools offered Black Friday deals?
I often wonder if the public education system could learn a thing or two from the business world. No were not simply turning out a product each year in the form of high school graduates, but in many ways we are selling a product. Education. For those of you who completely ignore the holiday shopping […]
Connect with Colleagues to Connect with Students
Earlier this week I wrote about a guidance seminar I ran with my students. The connections formed between courses and careers that day certainly made an impact on students, but that wasn’t the only successful connection that took place. While Courses to Careers was a guidance seminar, it was truly a school wide undertaking. The […]
Courses To Careers: Connecting curriculum to the real world
Yesterday I had the opportunity to lead a guidance seminar called Courses To Careers. During their lunch period, students came down to our meeting room to hear about the wide variety of courses offered in the building. Now this is important from a scheduling perspective because students need to know what is available to them […]
Veterans Day: How do schools honor service above self?
Recently at a Model UN competition I overheard two teacher’s discussing Veterans Day. One of the teachers was a veteran, who had earned his college degree and teaching certificate through the benefits of the GI Bill. The two teachers discussed the Veterans Wall currently on display at the host school, and wondered why their buildings […]